Hello, My name is Joanne Smith and I am a 37 year old mom of a very special child with Asperger's. I do things on the computer as my job such as this blog. We are low income and we are all disabled.

Why I blog? I wanted a way to help my family out.
What do I blog about? Everything from Family to our favorite products that I really do believe in. We try to live as healthy possible.
Where you can find me?
Pinterrest: http://www.pinterest.com/momofbestbaby
Twitter: @SuperMom_4life
Facebook www.facebook.com/momofbestbaby2
Have a question please email me at momofbestbaby@gmail.com
Instagram: Momofbestbaby
I am also on nearly every social media as Joanne Smith or momofbestbaby.
Want to sponsor me on a blog event? Want me to blog and review? Do you need to post a ad on my blog? Please email me because I would be more than happy to work with you.
I really do appreciate your time. Thank you so much for wanting to get to know me more.