Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial.
I was given an opportunity to Review Learning Success in exchange for an honest Review. The program was designed to help children with ADD, ADHD, And Dyslexia and more who need help with reading, writing and learning. The course is set up in 3 months, 6 months, or even 12 months intervals.
Try out the Dyslexia Test: http://learningsuccessblog.com/learning-disability-testing
Learning Success is an great little program you receive in your email weekly giving you different things to work on such as fine motor skills and reading. I love how they change up the activities and make them hands on learning for the kids as well as the normal courses. They have the fun things too, like crafts and other fun activities to keep kids involved. My son loves the activities and lately it seems less of a hassle to get him to do his work. (as most know he has Asperger's and can be a challenge sometimes but don't get me wrong I love him all the more with his challenges. ) Overall, this product is great and I highly recommend giving it a try!
Make your life a little easier and make it fun again without stressing out over curriculums and lectures.
I are very thankful for getting this chance to try this out for my son.
About: http://www.learningsuccessblog.com/about-us
Purchase info: http://learningsuccessblog.com/course/buy
and for more great info:
Follow on Twitter: www.twitter.com/shifuliz
Follow on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/learningsuccessblog
More info about them from Their site
:"The learning success program is a simple do-at-home program that will show you how to find the core problems and overcome them. Learning is made up of basic core skills. There are 16 of them in all. Typical learning difficulties are small weaknesses in a combination of two or three of these skills. Learning difficulties are categorized under a variety of names such as:
- Dyslexia
- Dyscalculia
- Dysgraphia
"Delivered by email. When you order the course I will send you regular emails with downloadable lessons. You just download the exercises and print them out. Spend 15 - 20 minutes doing these exercises with your child and soon your child will be on the path to success. Pretty soon you will be saving much more time than you put in. Homework will become much easier. No more fights. And grades will improve."
~~ I received this product on Tomoson.com in exchange for a honest review. No monetary compensation was received for this and the opinions are my own. ~~
My Two cents on learning!!
I personally feel no child is smarter because they pick up things faster, when comparing them to children with certain disorders. To me learning is all in the way the information it taught. Lots of kids learn different. I picked this up helping my cousins with homework ( I was the oldest and loved to help.). I have a way of turning the information around and explaining it better to children with problems learning. In school I was of the kids having trouble learning and never knew why until I got older. When I was a kid I was great in math and science mostly because I was very hands on type of learning. In school I was severely depressed as a child and had ADD. I aced test but didn't have a zeal for homework (who does really?) but school was boring and I struggled a bit. The way most teachers teach didn't work for me. It all made my head hurt and I was not taking in any of the information. It was not until I graduated High School that I really found out my niche for learning. Enjoying to learn actually turns your life around and its like a spark you didn't know existed got ignited. I go by this philosophy now : Everyone is different and everyone learns different and once you find your specific learning curve life gets so much easier.
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.
Guess What? I get to give one away!!!
Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.
I started the Dyscalculia Assessment with my son but I think that we will need to do a few questions at a time. I can see it being very helpful. He understands some math concepts easily and really struggles with others.