Friday, March 18, 2011

Vitafusion Calcium Gummies for Adults Review

Vitafusion Calcium Gummies for adults.  Yes, you saw that right Gummies for adults.  Everyone is finding out that adults like things to taste good too.  Not only are there Multivitamins that come in gummy from but so does Calcium, Prenatal vitamins, Vitamins D, E, Omega 3s, CoQ10, Fiber, B, and Energy B.

You take 2 a day.  2 gummies have as much calcium as 12oz of milk and as much Vitamin d as 3 oz of salmon.  They are made in the USA.

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They run around 15 dollars or more on

Taste:  These Gummies are so good they are like eating creamy fruit candies. I can not wait to take them every day.  Now that brings me to the only downside I could find.  That would be they taste too yummy.  I kept finding myself wanting another one.  Good thing for me I can control my eating and am happy to eat 2 more the next day.  

So if you are one person that really needs vitamins but hate how they taste or can't keep swallowing them this is for you.

**I was given a bottle of vitafusion Calcium Gummies for adults to try and give an honest review.

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Joanne Smith

Joanne Smith
Joanne Smith

About Mom In Nebraska

Joanne Smith is the head blogger for Mom In Nebraska. She currently resides in Omaha, NE. with her family. She has a wonderful miracle *her Autistic son Timmy that loves electronics.* Joanne has worked in customer service her whole life and loves it. She worked hard in College and studied a wide variety of subjects from Biology, Chem, Web Design, Early Childhood Education and much more. Now she is a SAHM, Blogger and Homeschooler. Next task for Joanne is trying to take over the world..... or at least her little part of it.